Cosmetic Surgery

The number of people undergoing Plastic / Cosmetic Surgery is increasing at an amazing rate worldwide. What used to be a “secret” luxury for only the extremely wealthy, has now become socially acceptable and available to the vast majority of men and women.

There is no doubt that the most important beauty is that which lies within. However, it is undeniable that the way we “look” affects the way we feel and view ourselves. Our appearance also undeniably affects the way other people perceive and interact with us. If we look tired, worn-out, or angry, other people perceive us as such, and interact with us accordingly.

Our facial cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Eve Bluestein, advises patients to “Look in the Mirror…does it reflect how you feel inside?” If not, options likely exist for you. Due to advances in science and technology, there are many available options to improve your appearance safely and predictably. These options range from non-invasive treatments to more involved surgical procedures.

Dr. Bluestein believes her job is to help you achieve your goals. She is exquisitely trained to examine, understand, and alter skin, muscle, fat, connective tissue, and bone.  Dr. Bluestein understands why a person appears as they do and can alter this appearance. She couples her unique, highly specialized training with a commitment to understand you, your desires, and your concerns.