
Dr. Bluestein knows that a person’s eyes and what surrounds them greatly contribute towards his or her overall appearance. Changes in the shape and position of the eyebrows dramatically affect the appearance of the eyes. This in turn has a large influence on one’s perceived “mood.” Flattened and low eyebrows give a heavy, tired, angry appearance to the entire face.

Eyebrows normally reside at or slightly above the orbital rims, or bones that surround the eyes.  With age, the eyebrows frequently descend. This is referred to as “brow ptosis.”  As the distance between the eyebrows and upper eyelids decreases, the same amount of tissue occupies a smaller space. This leads to “hooding” of the eyelids and can frequently be misdiagnosed as an eyelid, rather than an eyebrow problem.

Placing the eyebrows back into a more normal, attractive position with more pleasing contours, lightens the eyes and gives a person a more rested, alert, and awake appearance.  A Browlift is a procedure designed to do just that. You may also hear it referred to as a “forehead lift.”

Many types of browlift procedures exist. Years ago browlifts were always performed using long incisions. Today however, due to technological advances in medicine, we have endoscopes which allow us to perform less invasive, equally effective, and stable browlifts through small incisions made entirely within the hair. The majority of patients who need browlifting are good candidates for an endoscopic browlift procedure.